Saturday, July 23, 2016

Auto Insurance and Abiding by the Law in Utah

The state of Utah requires its registered auto owner residents to have a liability coverage and a No-fault insurance policy. The No-fault insurance policy is designed to facilitate the auto user and the injured party in case of an accident regardless of who was at fault. The no-fault insurance policy is designed to expedite the personal injury claims, thus lowering litigation costs. The personal injury protection (PIP) will cover the driver at fault medical bills within the limit of the policy bought. For extensive injuries and the corresponding large medical bills, the injured part is allowed to file a claim against the at-fault driver, only after the PIP benefits are exhausted.

Basic Policy Requirement

On the other hand, Liability is a minimum legal requirement and the most basic policy required in general by a state. In general, the liability coverage (in the $ thousands, a mandatory minimum different for each state) will cover per-person bodily injury, (whether driver or pedestrian), accident resulting bodily injury of all persons involved, and the property damage if any. However, the liability coverage covers only the cost of damage to other people and property, as well as legal costs, if necessary, if you are at fault. And all this is provided within and up to a dollar limit. The insurance companies provide two major types of liabilities, a policy with an overall limit that covers all possible damages, or one with separate limits each for individuals injured in an accident normally referred to as Bodily injury (BI) liability and property damage (PD) liability. BI coverage is required in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming.

The options

The Heber city auto insurance, among others in the state of Utah, is catering to the need of the drivers by offering basic to comprehensive and customized policies. The offered policies include the state dictated PIP offering a minimum of $3000 dollars in coverage for the at-fault diver and his/her household members, the per person Bodily injury (BI) liability of $25,000, for each accident $15,000 in property damage, and in case of multiple person injuries $65,000 per accident.

The cost of an auto insurance plan at Heber city auto insurance depends on the driver's driving record, car for which insurance is bought,  credit score and what kind of deductible (A deductible is an onetime out-of-pocket expense towards a claim, just like the requirement for medical health insurance) the driver can afford. A higher deductible, leads to a lower insurance rate, and the driver should expect a higher policy rate if the car model is a high target for theft in the state of Utah. However, one sure way to reduce the cost of the policy is to ask the respective insurance agent for discounts to obtain low-cost car insurance. Most Utah auto insurance companies offer its residents one or more of the following discounts:  Good driver, good student, home owners discount and discount if one or more cars of the driver are already on an insurance plan with the company.

The budgetary limits

Depending on the budget and life style, Heber city auto insurance advises its customers that it is always a good idea to purchase multiple types of policies to ensure coverage of the driver and the vehicle for many possible scenarios. In the event of a traffic collision, with a medical injury, it is prudent to have all medical expenses of the insured's covered without having to also dip into the health insurance for medical bills for personal accident resulting injuries like in case of a basic Liability coverage plan. Also a more comprehensive plan will include Collision insurance, that takes care of any damage to your car caused by another car, or object, and other disastrous situations like fire, flood etc. 

Thursday, July 14, 2016

New Car and Nervous? You Need to Read the Best Advice for Novice Drivers

Getting your own car, whether new or old and obtaining your driver license can be exciting experience, opening new doors of independence.  However, as exciting it is to get behind the wheels, equally important is that you do not let this excitement overpower you while driving. According to the Orem Car insurance statistics, new drivers are most likely to get an accident in the first two years of the driving than any other time in their lives.

This is not to frighten you rather this clearly indicates that new drivers need some extra help. Keeping this in view the following tips have been compiled to guide the newbie drivers.

Know your car

Knowing your car is just like getting into a relationship. As experts say that take your time to know a person and only when you feel confident then move to the next level. Treat your car the same way. Whether you got a new car or used one, know it properly before you drive it.  Sit in it, turn it on, examine all the buttons, and know which performs what function. Know about the lights especially fog light and corresponding warning lights. You must know how to activate or deactivate key feature because getting distracted by these in a hurry can lead to an accident.

Simple yet crucial

Once you are on road obeying a simple rule like wearing a seat belt can be a major hindrance between life and death. Therefore, good road etiquette is really important. Respect other drivers and don’t drive as you own the road. Don’t over speed, always wear seat belt and also make sure that the other passengers in the car do the same, to minimize the risk of whiplash adjust head rest to a height behind your head instead of your neck.  Windshields should also be clean as light reflection particularly at sunset or sunrise can momentarily blind you.  Don’t drive while you are sleepy.
Stay focused, messaging, taking selfie,watching mirror for make ups ,adjusting navigation device or radio can cause accidents, therefore stay clear of any distraction, adjust all accessories before driving and drive with full concentration
Practice More and More
They say practice makes a man perfect. Therefore, practice as much as you can. Try the longer routes. While, driving fast at a public road can be troublesome, going to tracks can be a good idea to satisfy your lust for speed.
Moreover, while you have passed your basic driving test, it is also a good idea to upgrade your knowledge. Go for more advanced courses. They will help you to learn driving in busy towns, extreme weathers, on highways, at night or the environments that mostly new drivers find challenging.

Give yourself time and keep calm
To err is human. We all learn by doing mistakes. Therefore, don’t treat yourself harshly when you make a mistake. Put a deaf ear to the jokes your friends make. Give yourself time and stay stress free. All the drivers on the road are not civilized. You will get a lot of honking, shoving and cursing. Stay calm in such situations, because even those passing their driving license exam with flying colors were once new drivers
Size does matter.
The bargain may sound worth like it but don’t go for a car just because it’s economical. For beginners medium sized cars between the ages of four to six years are advisable. Even if they have minor defects, they are easily repairable
Install driving installation Systems
While it is important that you drive safely, equally important is that your car should be equipped with systems that help saving precious lives during or after accidents. Such as airbags for driver and front seat passengers, anti-lock brake system( ABS), electrical power steering (EPS), collision warning system, lane departure warning etc.
Also don’t forget to insure your car. Records of “Orem car Insurance” suggest that a good car insurance deal helps you to become a good driver because when you have a good record of driving free of accidents, you can find cheaper car insurance deals.
Concluding Remarks:
When you drive safely, you can be assured that you are not only in complete control behind the wheels but also anticipate what other drivers can possibly do. This way you can avoid accidents. We hope that these tips have helped you to prepare yourself to drive safely. In the end I want to remind the first important tip and this is to get your car insured before doing anything because a good auto insurance policy is the first steps towards safe driving.